Showing posts with label cowl. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cowl. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Building Bridges Cowl

Building Bridges Cowl
Building Bridges Cowl

My main motivation for designing this cowl was simple: I felt plain, ugly, unadulterated guilt. After all, I've hardly changed direction with the seasons, and spring has definitely sprung. So I finally went to the yarn store and found a fiber a bit more appropriate for warmer weather, and came up with a design to match (speaking of the design, it's based on a bridge here in Zürich. Check out the pic below!). I also thought this design might be a nice candidate for the double-wrap for still-chilly days. Or crazy movie theater air conditioning, or the eventual advent of fall...

Yarn: Lang Yarns Riva (52% Cotton, 48% Acrylic; 115 yards [105 meters]/50 grams); # 0009 Rosa/Grau/Blau - three skeins, & scrap yarn (roughly 36" if you wanna get real precise) for holding provisional cast-on and live stitches on other end during blocking

Building Bridges Cowl
A closer view of the pattern.
It looks like an x!
Needles: One pair of needles in size US 7; one pair of needles in size US 8 for provisional cast on

Notions: Tapestry needle, stitch marker

Gauge: 20 stitches = 4 inches in stockinette

Which brings us to the patterns! Using your size 8 needles, then, cast on 40 stitches provisionally. Transfer stitches to your size 7 needles and we'll move straight to the main pattern, for which you'll need the following notation:

rt (right twist): knit two together, leaving stitches on left-hand needle; next, insert right-hand needle from the front between the two stitches just knitted together, and knit the first stitch again.  Finally, slip both stitches from left-hand needle together

lt (left twist): with right-hand needle behind left-hand needle, skip one stitch and knit the second stitch in back loop; then insert right-hand needle into the backs of both stitches and k2tog-b (knit two together through back loops, inserting right needle from the right)

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Pool Party Cowl

Pool Party Cowl
Pool Party Cowl

I got the idea for this cowl from the school pool across the street; although it's painted in a sort of ugly greenish-blueish hue, the lichen that grows along the top of the building elevates the color scheme somehow, and makes the combo quite pretty. I was even going to take a picture of the building from my balcony, for proof. Then I went out there with my big lens and couldn't help but feel like a degenerate for training my camera on the elementary swimming pool, especially since I could see classes going on inside, and I chickened out. So you're just going to have to take my word for it that this cowl is pool party-tastic, and wears the same colors as the building in which my kids will soon learn the crawl stroke. Okay, almost the same colors. There's no question that the green I chose is prettier!

Yarn: Lang Yarns Seta Tweed (75% Silk, 25% Cotton; 109 yards [100 meters]/25 grams); #804.0058  - two skeins (color A), & #804.0044 - one skein (color B)

Pool Party Cowl
A closer view of the pattern.
So pool! So party!
Needles: One 16" circular needle in size US 5

Notions: Tapestry needle, stitch marker

Gauge: 20 stitches = 4 inches in stockinette

Let's make a cowl then! So, using your size US 5 circular needle and your color A yarn, cast on 110 stitches loosely, place marker, and join in round. Then we'll begin our edging pattern in one color as follows:

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Bürkliplatz Cowl

Bürkliplatz Cowl

I've been in Zürich about three weeks now, which has proven to be enough time to both find my favorite grocery store (I love you Central Coop!), and buy and knit up my first Swiss yarn (fine, the yarn is actually Italian. WHAT DO YOU PEOPLE WANT FROM ME??!?!?!). And although I had a myriad of projects to choose from, I went for something that we NEED. Namely, a cowl for my poor freezing husband, since I wouldn't let him move with his last one. It's also my first project that's directly inspired by the city, and the large architectural stones that make up so many of Zürich's buildings. Indeed, that's what the name represents - Bürkliplatz is the tram stop that I got off on to take the picture below, and also near the location at which a nice young woman gave me a puzzled look when she saw me taking a picture of a wall.

Yarn: Sommer Merino 85 (100% Superwash Wool; 93 yards [85 meters]/50 grams); # 131 Charcoal (I made up that color name!) - two skeins

A closer view of the pattern.
Blocked aggressively, the blocks would stretch into
bricks and the architectural inspiration would be more
Needles: One 16" circular needle in size US 8 (4.5 mm)

Notions: Tapestry needle, stitch marker

Gauge: 17 stitches = 4 inches

And now that we've taken care of that, let's make a cowl! First, then, cast on 90 stitches loosely, place marker, and join in round. Then we'll move right to the main pattern, which you'll find right after the wall picture that represents the look I was going for with this cowl.

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Vaduz Cowl

Vaduz Cowl

First, let me acknowledge the last few pattern-less weeks. It turns out that moving internationally with three children is just as hard as they say it is, especially when you also decide to assemble all of your new furniture by hand as soon as you arrive (thanks, IKEA!). Long story short, I've barely had time to comb my hair, much less knit. But I will say that my new city of Zürich, Switzerland is just as inspiring as I hoped it would be, and I plan to launch a pattern collection with this place in mind. 

Until then, I hope you enjoy a design I made before our move, the Vaduz Cowl. And why'd I call it that? Well, Vaduz is the capital of Switzerland's neighboring Liechtenstein. And since I gave this cowl to my sister, who then helped me with my family's move, and then took a day trip on the train, the cowl made it to the world's sixth-smallest country before I could. With that in mind, may it accompany on your (or your sister's) next adventure as well!!!

Yarn: Malabrigo Mecha (100% Merino Superwash Wool; 130 yards [120 meters]/100 grams); #031 Mostaza - one skein

The cable.
Needles: One pair of size US 11 needles, cable needle (cn) or double pointed needle for cabling

Notions: Tapestry needle, stitch marker

Gauge: 12 stitches = 4 inches in stockinette

So let's make a cowl! First things first, then cast on 32 stitches loosely (you can also use a provisional cast on, if you prefer a seamless look). Then we'll move straight to our main pattern, which combines Staghorn Cable from page 251 of Barbara G. Walker's A Treasury of Knitting Patterns with some basic knits and purls. So first, we'll define our cables like so:

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Another Brick Cowl

Another Brick Cowl

I created this week's design in response to another user request; specifically, I got feedback that someone was looking for a slipped stitch cowl pattern that used three colors, but in stripes rather than all at once (does that make any sense?). Anyway, I think it took me longer to settle on my color choices than it did on the slipped stitch pattern, especially since this one knits up beautifully and cleanly, without the stitch tugging effect that some such patterns can have. So, basically, if you're in the mood for a fun color project (or a scrap-buster; think what you could do with more colors!), this cowl might be just what you're looking for! :)

Yarn: Cascade Yarns Cascade 220 Sport (100% Peruvian Highland Wool; 164 yards [150 meters]/50 grams); #8010 Beige - one skein (color A), #9421 Blue Hawaii - one skein (color B), & #8891 Cyan Blue - one skein (color C)

A closer view of the slipped stitch pattern
Needles: One 16" circular needle in size US 6; one 16" circular needle in size US 5

Notions: Tapestry needle, stitch marker

Gauge: 22 stitches = 4 inches on size 6 needles 

So let's make a cowl! First, then, using your size 5 needle and your color A yarn, cast on 120 stitches, place marker, and join in round. Then we'll work the following ribbing row:

Ribbing Row: using color A, * k2, p2; rep from *